Traditional wallpapers can add just as much excitement to a room as modern ones. Sometimes choosing a more traditional wallpaper makes sense based on the overall style of the house. Our Queens Road project has many examples of traditional wallpaper in a refreshing and chic environment. Here are some shots of the living room of that home. We ran the stripes of the wallpaper horizontally to add some interest to the space. The color palette of the wallpaper also compliments the dutch door and the paneling of the wainscoting.
A classic option in wallcoverings are woven collections. There are grasses, silks, and linens of varying textures and patterns. Make sure you get a professional installer to put up the wallpaper, as it's more difficult to hide the seams. These wallcoverings give a room added dimension, texture and warmth that can not be equaled with paint. Here's a sample of a grasscloth wall covering from specialty wallcovering manufacturer Phillip Jeffries Ltd. The minor irregularities add texture and depth to any wall even without artwork!
This hounds tooth wallcovering made out of woven grasscloth contributes to the sophisticated environment of the study in our Queens Road Project. Note that we covered the beams in the fabric also, warming up the space even more.
The natural grasscloth in the living room of the our Nichols Canyon project creats an organic feeling, particularly when combined with the bright white woodwork and the avocado color found on the ceiling and in the rug. The wallpaper works to create a bright and airy space while adding a lot of texture.
Really, just beautiful. I love the room with the green ceiling especially. Lovely. (here from Hooked on Houses)
Posted by: maya | July 09, 2008 at 10:59 AM