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August 18, 2009


Sheepskin Rugs

What season so far! I can't wait to get the DVD

The Lil Bee

So happy you are back. I'm mildly obsessed and was going through withdrawals. It filled me with unspeakable joy to see the brown salsa moment this week, the important lesson on what does and does not qualify as a common name, such as Chris, and the exquisitely delicious $1,600 orange lamp your team scored. Such brilliant yin to Jeff's yang.


I'm really pissed off that we don't get to see this show in Canada. I saw Season 1 when they were running repeats but I haven't seen any other season since.

Carolina Eclectic

I was so excited to see it!
P.S. Ryan, you must have the patience of a saint!!

Makati house for sale

This is so exciting! I love this drama! Thanks.

training courses

Thanks for the announcement!

Jackie W.

For the first 45 minutes I was actually lulled into thinking Jeff had mellowed along with the economy. Then bam .... no such luck.

Linda Merrill from ::Surroundings::

Hi Ryan - looking forward to this season!


I can't wait! I love your show, the personalities and the interactions of each season! It's already TIVO'ed!


so excited for the projects & the drama! =)


Can't wait!

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